Sunday, March 27, 2011

things that made me happy this week . . .

what started out and some random coughing on a thursday night turned into a full fledged chest cold by friday afternoon. this is very abnormal for me. i can't remember the last time i had an actual chest cold. fever. chills. hot flashes. aching. coughing so hard it sends pain out into my extremities . . . i'm sparing no expense. anyway, i don't know about you, but for me one of the side effects of sickness is almost complete short term memory loss. as such, i really cannot remember most of this past week . . . so here is a list of the things that managed to not get lost in the congestion:

- spent most of the weekend in bed. as such, i'm pretty well rested.

- hot showers when you're congested.

- lipton noodle soup. pretty much the only thing i want to eat when i get a cold.

- finally saw how to train your dragon. adorable!

- clean sheets.

- the moment the tylenol kicks in and breaks your fever.

- the fact that i'm getting sick now instead of two weeks from now, which would have me being sick in paris, which is NOT on the itinerary. 


Jessica Havican said...

You and me both! I got a bad chest cold too this past week and it's been a looong time since I've had one. I think I took 3 hot showers a day! I am glad you are feeling better and I can't believe it's 2 more weeks until Paris. WOW!

Natalie said...

so sorry to hear you are sick - sending happy thoughts.