Thursday, August 16, 2012

on my mind

i have been dealt a blow.
turns out seminary starts
a week earlier than i expected!
let it be known across the land
tuesday, august 21, 2012,
is the day i lose all capability
for rational and controlled
thought and emotion.


i've been spending the week
organizing my materials
and decorating my classroom.
i have to admit, it's a little fun.
(we all know i love to decorate things!)


i'm about half-way through
les miserables.
i am determined to finish
before the movie comes out.
it is so good.
the other night i almost highlighted
an entire chapter!
so much truth and insight
about human nature,
good and evil,
love and hate,
forgiveness and redemption.
worth every minute of reading.


last night's 
so you think you can dance
was designated solely to the choreography of 
mia michaels.
they brought back a few of her greatest pieces.
but the last one,
was by far my favorite.
the interpretation by the male dancer
(representing addiction)
almost made my heart stop.


AngelaBeth said...

Are you teaching seminary for University???

Jessica Havican said...

Chilling really is the word for that routine. Just thinking about it makes my heart stop. Brilliant and they did such a good job with that piece. Even better than the original people.

And good luck with seminary and waking up early. that would be a tremendous challenge for me! But you'll be great at it!


Angela: I'm teaching at the Cedar building.

AngelaBeth said...

Pretty sure University is the Institute building. Drats! My brother was SO CLOSE to having you for his seminary teacher.


Angela: Dang! That would have been funny.

They mentioned that they might put me there if the person they called said no, but she said yes . . .


Jessica: Waking up is a tremendous challenge for me too! I feel like crying every time I think about it. I just keep telling myself, "You can survive anything for ten months" and "If you survive this, you can survive anything!"

I'm really good at personal pep-talks.

If all else fails, I'll move to Australia.

Natalie said...

les miserbles -- SOOO good right? i have a countdown to the movie on my phone. it's going to be fantastic.