Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10 things that made me happy this week . . .

1. this morning i saw a bumper sticker that said, "metaphors be with you." I laughed out loud.
2. christmas lights going up all over town.
3. i think the weather has finally cooled off for good. i love being able to wear my mittens and scarves and hats/beanies. also, i got to put a second comforter on my bed, so it's super duper snuggly now . . . which i love love LOVE!
4. the fiasco that is taking a "family photo".
5. watching two grown adults (10 and 35 years my senior) engage in a 45-minute long bickering-death-match . . . at work. kind of exasperating . . . yet amusing at the same time.
6. trying to explain how Jesus died and then came back to life to a 4-year old who never goes to church.
7. listening to "a prairie home companion on the internet" (they archive every show . . . and this makes me very happy).
8. getting destroyed by neal in scrabble, just as i predicted. we never know who's going to win because we're pretty equally matched, so it makes playing fun . . .
9. learning about/gaining greater understanding about different cultures.
10. getting to see afton.


Jessica Havican said...

I love reading your posts and find it inspiring that you make lists of things that make you happy. I am so sad that I won't be able to walk through Christmas Tree Lane this year. Being in a college town sucks for that kind of thing. YOu have to drive aways to see a good chunk of lights. But I hear Salt Lake is really pretty this time of year so James and I are going up next weekend. Miss ya and hope to hang out with you when I come home for Christmas. MWAH!!!