Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 things that made me happy this week . . .

1. glee: the cheer coach's journal entry. i need to listen to it over and over. i wonder if i could get it on my ipod . . . just an audio of the journal entry . . . i could listen to it at any given moment and be reduced to a fit of hysterics. it would be wonderful.

2. one of our clients has decided to go on a "hunger strike" until the court gets his psychotic meds figured out . . . right, because that's going to help your mood swings and outbursts . . . blood sugar dropping and hunger pains. i don't have to take any psych meds and i go sort of loco when i get too hungry.

3. impromptu dance party at craig's house.

4. my parents celebrated their 32 year anniversary this week.

5. my family went to see a beach boys concert at the fair. they were great. afton was dancing up a storm. their music is so great. timeless. i think my favorite beach boys song is "fun, fun, fun." which they sang. and i was happy.

6. bonfires.

7. in the last twelve years i've been to two haunted houses/haunted forest's at halloween time. and both of those times i cried because i was so scared. i decided to try again this year. i am happy to report that while my friends were screaming their heads off like a bunch of sissy-la-la's, i was laughing hysterically. it was so much fun.

8. regina made homemade hummus this week. very delicious. we're going to try a flavored hummus recipe next.

9. today is afton's birthday. we had a little party over at logan's parents' house.

10. michael buble's new album is amazing. and he's amazing. i'm swooning a little bit just thinking about him and his voice. "haven't met you yet" makes me feel gleeful.