Sunday, February 27, 2011

things that made me happy this week . . .

- plane tickets to paris have been purchased. april 14-24!!
- one of my dad's law school roommates came to visit this weekend. he's worked as a congressman for the past 18 years. it was really interesting to hear his thoughts and experiences.
- chicken green chile enchiladas in green sauce. it's one of those meals we don't make that often, and then when we do, we wonder why we don't make them more often. so delicious!
- no work on monday! i slept in; caught a movie (3rd narnia installment, pretty great); and did some family research (found a census record from 1910 that had new and interesting information).
- girls movie night/slumber party on friday night.
- ordering stuff online. now i have something to look forward to this coming week.
- cookies.
- all the tips and suggestions i've been getting from friends and family regarding my upcoming trip. i'm pretty sure it's going to be the fullest and most perfect trip one could possible plan. thanks everyone, and keep them coming!!